
Notes to the consolidated financial statements

46.1. Credit risk

Download note 46.1 in XLS

Credit risk is the risk assumed by the Group under credit transactions and resulting in its inability to recover the amounts disbursed, loss of income or a financial loss. It is the outcome of credit product development and launch as well as the lending process on the one hand and measures employed with a view to reducing the probability of losses, on the other. The Group’s credit risk includes both counterparty and settlement risk.
While developing its current credit risk management policy, the Group aims to maintain the risk appetite defined in its strategy and measured with the NPL ratio and the specified cost of risk as well as an appropriate level of equity, comply with the credit limits set by the Group, analyze both strengths and weaknesses of its lending process and anticipate the opportunities and threats for its further growth. The Group’s acceptable credit risk policy also takes into account cyclicality of economic processes and changes in the credit portfolio itself.
The Group has adopted the following principles for the credit risk management process:

  • analyzing credit risk of individual exposures, the entire portfolio and the capital requirement related to credit risk;
  • applying internal and external limits arising from risk appetite in various areas of the credit portfolio and from the Banking Law and implemented recommendations of PFSA, respectively;
  • functions related to direct analysis of applications, risk assessment and credit related decision making are separated from those focused on client attraction (sales of banking products);
  • credit capacity and creditworthiness are the main criteria underlying all credit transactions with clients;
  • credit decisions are made in the Group in accordance with procedures and competencies determined in internal regulations on credit risk assessment and credit decision making;
  • each credit transaction is monitored from its conclusion to full settlement in terms of utilization, timely repayment, legal security, equity and organizational relationships of the obligor and, in the case of institutional clients, also in terms of their current economic and financial position;
  • the financial and economic standing of each insurance company supplying credit collateral, as well as delivery of insurance policies and assignment of rights related thereto by clients are monitored on a regular basis;
  • developments in the real estate market as well as the legal and economic assumptions and framework for valuation of property provided as collateral for credit exposures are monitored on a periodic basis.

Credit risk management in the Group is based on written policies and procedures defining methods of identification, measurement, monitoring, limiting and reporting of credit risk. The regulations determine the scope of competencies assigned to each unit of the Group in the credit risk management process.
In order to determine the credit risk level, the Group uses the following measures:

  • probability of default (PD);
  • recovery rate (RR);
  • loss given default (LGD);
  • loss identification period (LIP);
  • share and structure of impaired loans (NPL);
  • coverage of impaired loans with impairment losses (NPL coverage);
  • Scoring model efficiency measures (among others GINI, PSI Ratio);
  • cost of risk.

The Group carries out regular review of implementation of the adopted credit risk management policy. The review and modification includes mostly:

  • internal regulations regarding client’s credit risk assessment and monitoring, as well as verification of the value of legal security, which are adjusted to changing market conditions, business specifics of each client type (group), loan purpose and determination of the minimum requirements regarding the obligatory forms of legal security;
  • internal system of limiting credit activities and determining decision-making powers regarding loans;
  • a system of identifying, assessing and reporting credit risk to Credit Committees, Management and Supervisory Board of the Bank;
  • maximum adequacy levels of ratios used to assess credit risk and acceptable forms of own contribution for retail housing loans;
  • scoring models and IT tools used in the credit risk management process.

The Group’s reporting system includes among others:

  • reporting on credit risk level, to include vintage analyses, information regarding the use of limits, quality and efficiency of credit processes;
  • reports on stress tests, limit review and back-test analyses for impairment losses;
  • analyses of real property market and verification of the current value of security for credit exposures;
  • review of implemented credit risk policy.

The Group prepares the following cyclical reports on its credit risk exposure:

  • monthly report for the Management Board and Credit Committee of the Bank;
  • quarterly report for the Supervisory and Management Board.

Maximum credit risk exposure (by classes of financial instruments)

Additionally, the Group is exposed to credit risk arising from concluded transactions recognized as off-balance sheet liabilities. The maximum exposure to credit risk related to the said transactions is expressed by their off-balance sheet value presented in Note 40.

In order to prevent overly concentration of exposure, the Group applies internal and external limits arising from risk appetite in various areas of the credit portfolio and from the Banking Law and implemented recommendations of PFSA. Limit types and levels applied by the Group with regard to credit operations are determined by internal regulations regarding the limiting of credit operations related among others to large exposures, industrial concentration, exposure concentration by type of collateral or product.

The Group operates only in Poland. The following tables present balance sheet and off-balance sheet exposure regarding loans and advances granted to clients in each province.

Geographical structure of the credit portfolio (net carrying amounts)

Geographical structure of the credit portfolio (net off-balance sheet amounts)

The net value of off-balance sheet exposure regarding loans and advances includes the amount of provisions for off-balance sheet exposures, presented in Note 34.

Industry structure of the credit portfolio

The following table presents the Group’s exposure concentration by industry. The Group’s portfolio is dominated by loans granted to individuals.

Group’s gross exposure to ten largest clients


Quality structure

The Group has identified the following quality structure of financial assets:

  • current, no indications of impairment;
  • overdue, no indications of impairment;
  • indications of impairment identified, but no impairment detected;
  • indications of impairment identified, impairment and the related loss recognized.

The following tables present the summary of the above quality classes of each financial assets type as at 31December 2014 and 31 December 2013.

A. Quality structure of receivables from other banks


B. Quality structure of investment assets


C. Struktura jakościowa kredytów i pożyczek udzielonych klientom

Loans and advances to customers, current, no impairment indication

Loans and advances granted to customers, not overdue and without impairment indication, bear an acceptable level of credit risk.

Loans and advances to customers, overdue, no impairment indication
The following tables present the ageing analysis of loans and advances granted to customers, overdue, but no impairment detected.

Loans and advances to customers with indications of impairment, but no impairment detected

The following tables present loans and advances granted to customers, with indication of impairment, but with no impairment detected, including the financial effect of collateral
on the impairment loss.

Loans and advances to customers with indications of impairment identified, impairment and the related loss recognized
The following tables present loans and advances granted to customers, with indication of impairment, impairment detected and impairment loss recognized, including the financial effect of collateral on the impairment loss.

The financial effect of recovery based on collateral for receivables analyzed on a case-by-case basis amounted to PLN 42.0 million as at 31 December 2014 and PLN 53.3 million as at 31 December 2013. This amount would increase the required impairment losses if cash flows related to the collateral were not included in the calculation.
For receivables analyzed on a case-by-case basis, impairment losses not including the financial effect of recovery based on collateral would be PLN 68.6 million as at 31 December 2014 vs. PLN 77.0 million as at 31 December 2013.
Collateral and other items improving the loan terms:

  • mortgage placed in the land and mortgage register as a senior lien or junior lien (if the total value of all liens does not exceed 50% of the market value of the property); liens representing 100% of the transaction value are recorded to collateralize principal increased by at least 60% of the transaction value to secure payment of interest, fees and charges as well as the Bank’s costs related to the obligor’s delinquencies;
  • assignment of rights under property insurance policies covering fire and other accidents;
  • statement of submission to enforcement proceedings by the obligor (and/or guarantor) up to 150% of the gross loan amount, with the date by which the Group may apply for a writ of execution;
  • statement of submission to enforcement proceedings by the property owner up to the amount of the mortgage lien(s) created on the owned property (properties), with the date by which the Group may apply for a writ of execution based thereon;
  • blank promissory note with a promissory note agreement for the Group;
  • for construction of a house/premises – assignment of receivables under the construction contract concluded with the property developer/housing cooperative;
  • transfer of the obligor’s cash to the Group’s account pursuant to Article 102 of the Banking Law (deposits);
  • registered pledge blocking the rights attached to securities issued by the State Treasury and the National Bank of Poland (treasury bills and bonds);
  • assignment of rights arising from participation units in an investment fund management company accepted by the Group;
  • assignment of rights under an insurance policy taken out from an insurance undertaking accepted by the Group;
  • financial pledge, registered pledge, assignment, deposit or blocking of other investment products approved on a case-by-case basis when making the loan decision.

As at 31 December 2014 the fair value of mortgage collateral for the related exposures amounted to PLN 4,651.7 million compared to PLN 4,639.5 million as at 31 December 2013.

Forbearance of loans
Forbearance of selected credit exposures means a forced modification of the initial repayment terms as determined in a loan agreement following a motion of the bank or obligor, resulting from inability to repay the loan on the initial terms due to an event that has deteriorated the financial standing of the obligor and resulted in repayment arrears or adversely affected the repayment projections. The purpose of the forbearance procedures is to:

  • adjust the terms of repayment of liabilities arising from a credit transaction to the current solvency level of a debtor;
  • allow the debt restructuring by a debtor without the Group's commencing collection procedures that make the entire debt immediately payable and further reduce debtor’s solvency;
  • improve the collection standing of the Group through acceptance of additional security;
  • allow debtor’s restructuring of the debt following the commencement of collection procedures by the Group;
  • minimize losses incurred by the Group.

The Group applies the following forms of debt forbearance:

  • amending the repayment schedule within the initial repayment period (i.e. temporary reduction in the installment amount to the level proposed by a debtor or determined by its solvency);
  • extending the loan term;
  • change in the installment repayment date;
  • deferred repayment terms;
  • change in interest calculation principles;
  • assuming or accessing the debt by a third party;
  • changing the repayment algorithm from diminishing to equal installments;
  • determining the repayment schedule for current account and revolving loans or a diminishing balance of used loan transaction;
  • changing the repayment manner: principal first, interest later;
  • temporary suspension of interest repayment;
  • capitalizing interest/principal;
  • establishing an additional transaction security;
  • sale of receivables;
  • conversion;
  • assuming collateral and offsetting it with the debt;
  • concluding a new loan agreement/forbearance arrangement;
  • other measures aimed at minimizing Group’s losses.

Restructured transactions are recorded and monitored on an ongoing basis. Correct implementation of terms of a restructuring annex / new agreement / forbearance arrangement is monitored in particular for compliance with the debt repayment with deadlines and amounts determined therein. Should a threat to the implementation of a restructuring annex / new agreement / forbearance arrangement occur, the organizational unit monitoring the restructuring terms initiates measures aimed at renegotiation of these terms or commencement of collection proceedings. The record is built and updated on an ongoing basis based on relevant entries in IT systems of the Bank. Results of monitoring transactions subject to restructuring are presented on a quarterly basis at the Bank’s Credit Committee. At the end of each quarter, review of restructured transactions marking is performed under control procedures.
According to Recommendation R, restructuring is an impairment indication for credit exposure, and each restructured exposure is measured for impairment.

The following tables present amounts of loans and advances subject to restructuring as at 31 December 2014 and 31 December 2013.

 * Repayment terms of one loan / advance may be changed several times.

Quality structure of loans and advances subject to restructuring as at 31 December 2014 and 31 December 2013:

The following tables present changes in carrying amounts of loans and advances subject to restructuring process for each reporting period.


rest income on loans and advances subject to restructuring in 2014 and 2013:



Annual Report 2014 - Bank Pocztowy